Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
The author, the editor-in-chief of Sawt al- Ummah newspaper, demands the trial of Interior Minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī, after Muhammad ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Latīf, a citizen who was accused of murdering more than 10 people in cold blood, was found innocent.
The article reports that nearly two million Christians and Muslims are celebrating the Virgin Mary festival, which is held annually on Jabal al-Tayr Mountain in al-Minyā governorate, Upper Egypt, marking the anniversary of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt and their visit to this part of the...
There are many factors that have contributed to the escalation of violence among youths, including the education system, which depends on memorizing school subjects rather than understanding or discussing them, as well as unemployment, the housing crisis and overpopulation problems.
Public manifestations of Christian faith become less in Egyptian society. The celebration of palm Sunday in the Upper Egyptian village of Sarakna, 315 km south of Cairo, is one of the last villages where this is possible. The article explains Muslims in villages want their villages have a Muslim...
The world of faith and believers is a very special world, a very beautiful one. The world of monasticism and the world of monasteries are two magnificent worlds. Their inhabitants have left the world turning their backs to it for the sake of God Almighty...
An article describing the route of the Holy Family.
Dr. Mamdouh Al-Biltagi, minister of tourism says that it there is much interest by tourists worldwide in the route taken in Egypt by the Holy Family, especially as the Millennium celebrations draw near.
Since the issue of the Ottoman decree known as the Hamayouni law in 1856 that concerns the building of churches, Christians have disagreed on whether this law is a blessing or a curse. The building of churches at that time equated mosque building with church building on condition that approval is...


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