Displaying 61 - 70 of 102.
The guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad Mahdi Akef rejects the projects of change that come from abroad, stressing that change that is effected by force or top level decision will have a limited effect. “Solutions imported from abroad will not solve our problems,” Akef said.
I just wanted to relate to you how useful AWR is proving to be. The reports have provided me with extremely useful information to use in my thesis. The recent additions of the internet links are a great bonus. I also like the new motif. It seems that things are going well so I wish you and...
Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has raised a lot of controversy in the whole world over the revolutionary vision it presented of the history of Christianity and that of Christ. This made a British critic describe the book as ‘fascinating nonsense’ and later prompted Lebanon’s General Security to...
The Qur’an says about the kitābis [People of the Book] that “They are not all alike” [The Meaning of The Holy Qur’ān by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall,3:113 ]. I just remembered this Qur’ānic fairness when I read about two court rulings and a political position that recently took the attention of...
The press release summarizes the text of the charter the Arab Christian-Muslim Working Group which is working closely with the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). The charter expresses a shared commitment of Muslims and Christians to engage energetically in "working together to promote...
Associated sources in London declared that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad passed around the news about Damascus handing over Refa’i Ahmed Taha, the military leader of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya, to Cairo. The leader of the Ansar Al-Shari’a organization in London said that the negotiations...
In 1960, the Mossad recruited an expelled monk to damage the relationship between the Coptic Church and the then president of Egypt. When the matter was became known, it shook all religious and political circles. However, it did no harm to the Egyptian Church.
The Palestinian poet Ibrahim Nasrallah was accused of defaming Islam by using the Invocation [i.e. saying in the name of... which is associated in people’s minds with "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful"] as a title for his recent anthology, "In the Name of the Mother, the Son,"...
An Arab is anyone who speaks Arabic as his first language. This definition places Islam as a part of the Arab culture but it is not the definitive factor in determining who is an Arab. Building on this definition, Christian Arabs have played the premier role in forming the Arab national idea...
The Kurds and Berbers are Muslims who joined Islam with the Arabs. The fall of the Islamic caliphate left space for nationalism to flourish and its replacement opened a gap between the Arabs and the Kurds. The Islamic way of co-existence between Arabs and Kurds is the solution to all the problems...


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