Displaying 1 - 10 of 21.
Egyptian media gave much less attention to the July 18 attack that cost the lives of five Israelis and wounded thirty three as reported in Israeli and/or Western media.  In this article I will list what I found in Egyptian (Arab) media:
The police in Munich, South Germany, announced yesterday that 15 suspects were put under provisional detention after a wide operation launched against some Islamic networks.
The Ottoman Turkish genocide against the Armenian people is documented, proved and awaiting widespread international condemnation. The following lines present a background to the international reactions of the incident.
The author discusses Coptic heritage, and Coptic traditions in the West, particularly in Russia. He highlights the fact that many Russian’s consider themselves Orthodox Christians.
October presents the opinion of Uri Avnery, an Israeli author, writing about the “conflict of civilizations.” October writes that Avnery has shown support to the Prophet of Islām and Muslims against false accusations and mistrust promoted by the head of the Catholic Church.
The article reports on public opinion and official stand points on the European constitution and Turkey’s membership in the EU
Explaining the broad meaning of the concept of jihād in Islām, Muslim thinker Rajab al-Bannā quoted famous British writer Karen Armstrong’s definition of it as "struggle and effort, not a synonym for holy war as Westerners define it." Ahmad ‘Izz al-Dīn al-‘Arab wrote in a short article in al-Wafd...
Gamal Sultan states that persecution is that which was experienced by the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzovina who were massacred and raped, and not, as some Copts suggest, the situation experienced by the Copts in Egypt, who complain that there only two Coptic ministers in cabinet and that there...
For the past ten days, Egyptian news media have been circulating wild and unfounded stories aimed to discredit the newly reopened Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies. Al-Usbua newspaper devoted three pages to attacks on the "Zionist-American settlement in Muqattam" and claims that Dr. Saad...
The director of the office of the general mufti of Bulgaria says that the Islamic conference that was supposed to be held in Bulgaria this month has been postponed because of the war on Iraq.


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