Date of source: Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Egypt’s Dar al-Iftā`, the governmental body in charge of issuing religious edicts, said the conference was another attempt by Islamist factions to legitimize violence and spread chaos across the country. “This is especially clear in the choice of venue. Turkey’s hostility towards Egypt is no secret...
Date of source: Monday, August 10, 2015
Head Of Egyptian Organization For Human Rights (EOHR) Hāfez Abu Se`da denounced the idea of an international intervention to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. `Essām Derbāla, senior leader of the Building & Development Party (BDP), and head of the Jamā`a Islamiya (...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Egyptian newspapers, Al-Fajr, Al-Ahrām, and others, published last Friday, July 31, 2015 a news that represents a risk for the children of the Muslims; the news writes:
"The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Sea of Saint Mark, announced...
Date of source: Monday, August 3, 2015
Egypt's Al-Ghad theatrical troupe director, Isma`īl Mukhtār said, that he will present the play Sayyed al-Waqt (Master of Time) on August 6 on the stage of Al-Horeya Center For Creativity in Alexandria.
Date of source: Sunday, August 16, 2015
During the TV program '90 Minutes' broadcast on Al-Mehwar channel, Dr. Mo`taz `Abd al-Fattāh, professor of political science, said that were the ousted Mursi still in power, he would have treated the protesters more harshly than the way the current regime has treated the supporters of the Muslim...
Date of source: Sunday, August 9, 2015
In a statement disclosed to Misr al-`Arabiyya, Counselor Munsif Sulaimān said that Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, held an open-ended meeting in the papal residence of `Abassiya during which, among other church issues, the new personal status law draft was...
Date of source: Saturday, August 8, 2015
“I do not expect you to lose your entity for the sake of mine or for the sake of anyone else; you have your independent self. I want you to have confidence that comes from within: from yourself. It is only then that you will reach happiness.” This is the advice that Latīfa al-Zayyāt utters over the...
Date of source: Sunday, August 2, 2015
The most recent publication of Dār Al-`Ain is the book of the Egyptian author Hishām Hatāta: "Women: a journey from glorification to degradation"
Date of source: Friday, July 31, 2015
Since the Revolution of 23 July 1952 Egyptian heads of state had written their own biographies.
The network Sasapost took the task of publishing these autobiographies, starting with Egypt's first president, Muhammad Najīb, who after a house arrest that lasted eighteen years, was finally released...
Date of source: Thursday, July 30, 2015
The Egyptian political thinker, Dr. Mustafa al-Feqi, said that the new Suez Canal is an integrated national project that marks the beginning for new investments, stressing that the new channel will yield economic productivity as well as political and military profit. However, al-Feqi added, a...