Displaying 711 - 720 of 1878.
The writer records some religion men’s opinions on "the al-Sharīf Gospel" and their causes to object it.
The life of ‘Aidah, a Christian employee, was turned upside down when her family and husband learned that she had secretly converted to Islām.
The author writes about the importance of presenting Christian programs on T.V, and sees that this is the right of Christians as Egyptians, and will serve to enhance relations between Muslims and Christians.
‘Ubayd discusses the history of various forms of Christianity, from Arab Christians to Eastern Christians, and the problems that are still remain to overcome.
Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd introduces himself to readers of AWR, wanting to dedicate his efforts “towards a mission of progress energized by a will to see obscurantism defeated, fanaticism vanquished and poverty conquered.” “Writing,” Dr. ‘Ubayd writes, “associated with a fair degree of research, put...
A new episode in the case of the jailed professor, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, has been revealed in the local media of this week. An employee in a department of his center accused him of corruption, while his family threatened to halt their collaboration with the State Security department. At the same...
A new book about Egyptian Coptic art and icons published in Paris by Mahmūd Zibāwī.
A Muslim lady resorted to her Coptic friend to escape from her groom. A Coptic husband accused a Muslim man of urging his wife to escape and converting into Islām. The disappearance of a baby from al-‘Adhrā’ Church led to sectarian unrest in al- Salām city.
The Institut Du Monde Arabe (IMA), in Paris, France, is presently holding a major art exhibit showcasing famous religious works of art, both Christian and Islamic.
Text of lecture about a declining Christianity in the Middle East. Dalrymple compares between his travels in the mid nineties to when he collected material for his book ‘From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East,’ and recently travelled to the areas he had visited...


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