Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Dr. Yūsuf Nawfal writes about the history of attacking religions.
Prof. Andreas van Agt explained great changes in the cultural climate of north-western Europe in the pasty decades, becoming more hostile to religion and certainly not only Islām. Muslims needs to understand those changes in order to be able to respond better to European critique on Islām and the...
The article explores the history of the Bedouin nomads, specifically the impact that their presence, settlements, traditions and lifestyle have had throughout the Middle East.
The writer expressed his displeasure about the fact that the Pope of the Vatican, on his visit to Damascus, ignored apologizing to the Muslims about the terrible things the Crusaders did to them. What makes the matter worse is that he apologized to the Orthodox [Christians]in Athens one day before...
An exhibition, under the title of "Al-Andalus and Europe", is inaugurated at the university of Bonne in Germany. It discusses the effects of the Islamic civilization on Western civilization and how the former enriched the European culture and formed the current cultural and scientific western...
Dr. Al-Fayyoumi continues relating the history of Muslim and Christian interaction in Spain covering the period of the Tabannin, the conquering of Muslim areas by the army of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1487, and the treatment of Christians when Spain was under Muslim rule. He ends by calling for...
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