Displaying 11 - 20 of 70.
Sudan denied that its authorities arrested Abu Anas, the Libyan, who is one of the most dangerous 22 terrorists wanted by the USA. It declared that the one it arrested is an Egyptian fundamentalist carrying the same surname and will be handed over to Egypt.
The Old Bailey Court in London extended holding the Egyptian fundamentalist Yasser Al-Serry, the manager of the Islamic Media Observatory in London. The lawyer of another Egyptian fundamentalist in Canada raised a big surprise in the Federal Court of Toronto when he announced his withdrawal from...
The article gives information about the three Jihad organization members who are recommended to succeed Ayman Al-Zawahri. They are Morgan Mustafa, Abdel-Aziz Moussa Al-Gamal and Tharwat Salah Shehata.
This report presents the interviews with nineteen people, 18 Egyptians and one American researcher about the importance of the work of Arab-West Report, people of different backgrounds, Muslims and Christians, clergy and non-clergy, including scholars and human rights lawyers. Christian...
Many Muslim fundamentalists left Egypt for Europe, America and Asia. They were welcomed by their host countries, granted political asylum and even nationalities. These countries did not listen to Egyptian pleas to send them back until they were taken by surprise by their attacks.
The 1990s witnessed a confrontation between international organizations trying to work in Egypt and law 32/1964, preventing founding NGOs receiving foreign finances. Since most of the activists are lawyers, they began digging inside the body of the law to find legal ways of doing this. Tens of NGOs...
Some unknown persons attacked houses, owned by Christians, in Karm Al-Gharablia, which is located at the entrance to Al-Kosheh village. They burnt the wooden doors of these four houses. The owners notified the police of Al-Kosheh about what had happened, but without accusing anyone.
The verdict given in the action of Al-Kosheh has caused a strong line of division between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians. Most Muslims accept the impartiality of the court while many Christians, inside and outside Egypt, expressed their anger in articles, letters and interviews about the verdict....
The Freedom House translated a letter Bishop Wissa of Al-Belyana about the attack on four Christians homes in Al-Kosheh.
The author criticized the stance of the state towards compensation for Al-Kosheh victims and urged it to assume its responsibility and at least compensate them. He also criticized political and media circles for not taking the initiative to relieve Al- Kosheh victims’ pain. He believes that the...


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