Displaying 1 - 10 of 118.
Egyptian Human Rights Organisation requests the recruitment of as many people as possible in order to combat terrorism  After the terrorist attacks in Kafr el-Sheikh, North Sinai, East Fayoum and Qalyubia, the Egyptian organisation for human rights have requested that every possible person is...
Egyptian organisation for human rights condemn terrorist acts in Egyptian governorates  The Egyptian organisation for human rights has condemned the criminal acts of terrorism that took place in the governorates of Kafr al-Sheikh, North Sinai, East Faiyum and Qalyubia, which resulted in the deaths...
Human Rights Organisation condemns incidents of terrorism  Egyptian Human Rights Organisation has condemned incidents of terrorism that have taken place in the governorates Kafr Al-Shaykh, North Sinai, Fayūm and Qaluybia. These events claimed several victims, including citizens and military...
In Egypt, sectarian conflict can be dizzying. When news breaks it explodes – Muslim mobs, churches burned, priests attacked. When the news crests it collapses – Muslim denials, church agreement, security clampdown. Only when the news settles can the situation be understood – partially,...
اقتحم ملثمون كنيسة الروضة، التابعة لمركز طامية فى الفيوم، فجر أمس، وأطلقوا النار على طاقم الحراسة، المكون من رقيب شرطة وخفيرين نظاميين، ما أسفر عن موت أحدهم، وتجمهر مئات المسلمين بالمنيا أمام كنيسة السيدة العذراء فى بنى مزار أمس الأول، احتجاجاً على إقامة مجمع خدمى ملاصق للكنيسة. كان اللواء صلاح...
A number of masked men killed a security guard when they attacked the site of a former church early Thursday morning in a village in Fayoum Governorate, southwest of Cairo. The men fired a barrage of bullets at the security team, which included one police sergeant and two guards. Security sources...
An area in the city of Fayoum is being inspected by an engineering committee, as cracks in the earth have appeared just 300 meters away from some Islamic monuments. Some houses and shops were also damaged. So far, the cause of this erosion is not clear.
Violent clashes and firing of weapons took place between a group of salafists and residents in Qasr al-Bāsil village in al-Faiyum. Salafists had tried to prevent residents of the village from sitting in coffee shops and exchanging beer. Clashes resulted in the death of worker Abū Hāmid 'Amr 'Abd al...
Clashes between three Christian workers at a shoe store and a Muslim occurred in al-Faiyum at al-Būsta street, which resulted in all four of them being transported to the local hospital.  The fight began when the Christians in question mocked the Muslim man's hair style when he refused to step away...
A reconciliatory session is expected to be held between Muslims of al-Nazlah village and Copts of the village. It was rumored that the family of a previously Coptic woman who married a Muslim and converted to Islam, abducted her and tried to force her to leave her Muslim husbands and revert to...


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