Displaying 41 - 50 of 691.
The author conducted an interview with Father Salīb Mattá Sawirus on the topic of his newly established human rights center.
Islamophobia vs. Westophobia; two postmodern terms. The article presents Muslims’ points of view toward the issue. Dialogue and moderation seem to be the key issues for eliminating the two terms used by fundamentalists on both sides, as most of the people in the following text explained.
Father Christian Van Nispen is a Jesuit who has lived in Egypt since 1962. He is a specialist in Islamic studies and plays a leading role in interreligious dialogue in Egypt.
The Egyptian press reported on the international reactions to the controversial Dutch movie Fitna.
Tarek Heggy writes on the phenomenon of the increase in the number of students attending religious educational institutes.
The article reports on the study of a Belgian newspaper affirming that Muslims in the Belgian capital Brussels will comprise the majority in 20 years.
Dr. Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq, Egyptian minister of endowments, highlights three main phases in the Muslim world’s relationship with the West. The first one started with the Abbasid Caliphate, the second started with the French expedition to Egypt and the third one is the contemporary era.
Michael ‘Ādil reports on the visit of Philippe Coste, the French ambassador to Egypt, to the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo where he met with Pope Shenouda III who escorted him, after finishing his weekly sermon, to the papal headquarters.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī states that religion has become an essential factor in political power and decisions all over the world.
The joint committee of the Permanent Committee of Al-Azhar for Dialogue with Monotheistic Religions closed its annual meetings with the delegation of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Vatican. The meeting was faced with wide scale protests in Egypt. The Egyptian press...


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