Displaying 51 - 60 of 691.
In Jundī’s second article on political life in Egypt he sheds light on the political situation in Egypt and provides suggestions which are supposed to help Egypt work toward a better political future.
On February 12, Arab countries adopted a charter which puts limits on Arab satellite channels and prohibits offending political and religious figures. Qatar has rejected the document and Lebanon has expressed its reservations. The article outlines the repercussions of the incident.
The article reviews an economic study prepared by Dr. Huwaydā ‘Adlī, an assistant teacher at Misr University for Science and Technology, which was entitled, ’Arabs in diaspora: Problems of merging and their impact on development in the Arab world.’
The Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali has asked the European Union for money to help protect her while she is in the U.S. after she received death threats because of her outspoken criticism of Islam.
Hānī Labīb reviews the life and contributions of the late Father George Qanawātī on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of his death.
Islam is the target of Western and Zionists’ attacks. Muslims need to unite to defend their religion and any inter-religious dialogue is bound to avowing Islam as a heavenly religion.
Muhammad Hijāzī, the controversial convert to Christianity speaks for the first time to the Egyptian press. He announces the birth of his daughter and asserts that he will continue to fight to achieve official recognition of his conversion.
The following lines provide information about Dr. Butrus Butrus Ghālī’s agenda. Dr. Ghālī is the chairman of the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt. He recently met a delegation from the U.S Congress and discussed the different complaints against Egypt that have been presented to the...
The following article presents a response to Majdī Khalīl’s article [art. 26 in this issue].
Drs. Hulsman’s report discusses the state of past and present relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The paper opens by giving information about Pope Shenouda III and the most important incidents that have taken place during his reign. The second half of the paper then looks at specific...


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