Displaying 11 - 20 of 50.
The World Council of Churches, called on the Israeli government to ‘stop the building the separation wall on Palestinian occupied territory and retreat,” that is to remove the wall. The council admitted “Israel’s legitimate security concerns,” but it pointed out that the separation fence hinders...
Akher Saa, al- Arabi and al-Ahali approached Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christian clergymen, from Egypt and Palestine, and asked them to comment on the crisis of the Church of the Nativity. They all criticized Sharon?s practices against the birthplace of Jesus Christ and against the...
Coptic, like Muslim fundamentalism, is not in the interest of Egypt. Usāmah Salāmah from Rose al-Yūsuf discusses different arguments of Coptic figures and responds to them in the following article.
This article criticizes the Egyptian government for refusing to recognize the fact that there are minorities in Egypt.
The author discusses Coptic heritage, and Coptic traditions in the West, particularly in Russia. He highlights the fact that many Russian’s consider themselves Orthodox Christians.
A Swiss Muslim agent of the Swiss Intelligence Agency [FAS] has unveiled a plan to entrap the prominent Islamic thinker Hānī Ramdān and the Islamic center in Geneva in a scandal of links with terrorism.
Europe has changed its concept of terrorism. Terrorists are no longer crossing the borders to execute terrorist attacks but are living in Europe and enjoying its benefits.
Israel is not a religious state; but an occupying state. Arabic resistance is not against the Jews but against the Israeli occupation.
The author interviewed Rafīq al-‘Ajamī, one of the Arab Afghans who was imprisoned for four years on charges of carrying out the explosion of the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan in 1996.
Amin Makram Ebeid discusses the rule of Muhammad Ali, who prepared Egypt for a secular form of democracy, and his successors, and wonders whether the age of tolerance in Muslim-Christian relations ended with the failure of the liberal era.


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