Displaying 11 - 20 of 21.
Ibrāhīm Qa‘oud argues that the Nazi Holocaust is just an illusion or propaganda to cover up the real Holocaust committed against Palestinians in the occupied territories.
The Egyptian government is appealing a court ruling in favor of recognizing the Bahā’ī faith. Islamic clerics deem confessors of this religion apostates. Suspicious over Bahā’īs being agents of Zionist interests in Egypt are raised.
Shoura Council Speaker Safwat al-Sharīf has received an official notice from lawyer Nabīh al-Wahsh calling for denying the Bahā’is any chance to set up a political party in Egypt.
The author argues that the World Congress of the Jews from Egypt (WCJE) is using the Internet to spread their intrigue, flagrantly interfering in Egypt’s internal political affairs.
The author argues that Israeli-Zionist movements are attempting to take over Jewish owned property in Egypt to prevent it falling into the hands of Egyptians.
The Bahā’īs in Egypt, estimated at more than 10,000, are raising heated controversy due to their increasing authority.
An Arab is anyone who speaks Arabic as his first language. This definition places Islam as a part of the Arab culture but it is not the definitive factor in determining who is an Arab. Building on this definition, Christian Arabs have played the premier role in forming the Arab national idea...
Pope John Paul II encourages the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land and the leaders of the Christian communities, to renew their efforts to ensure that relationships between all are inspired by mutual respect, in humility and trust. He also appeals to Jewish and...
Excerpts from a sermon given in the Zayed bin Sultan Aal Nahyan mosque in Gaza calling for the killing of Christians and Jews. The text is being distributed by American Copts, International Christian Concern and probably several other organizations in the West.
A few years ago the former prime minister of Jordan, Taher Masri, commented that "If the 20th was the century of nationalism, then the 21st may be the century of religion". Masri’s premonition appears nowhere more germane than in the stew of sectarian tensions presently stirring (and being stirred...


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