Date of source: Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Military police on Wednesday morning forcibly evacuated hundreds of Coptic demonstrators from the area outside the state TV building in Maspiro, where they were protesting an assault on an Aswan church.
Date of source: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Astonished the protests, Aswan Governor Major General Mustafá al-Sayīd said that there are foreign hands attempting to disturb national security.
The April 6 Movement and Egyptian Movement for Change [Kifāyah] as well as Coptic youths had protested off Aswan governorate offices on October 3, 2011,...
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سادت حالة من السخط والغضب بين الأقباط بسبب خروج المئات من مسلمي قرية المريناب بإدفو وبعض القري المجاورة عقب صلاة الجمعة وتوجهوا لكنيسة مارجرجس بالقرية وقاموا بإشعال النيران فيها, ثم قاموا باستخدام الآلات الحادة بهدم قباب وسقف...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
عبر محافظ أسوان عن تعجبه من قيام حركة كفاية وشباب 6 إبريل بالتظاهر صباح أمس مع مجموعة من الشباب القبطي أمام ديوان المحافظة وأشار أن ذلك يدل على وجود اياد خارجية تحاول العبث بأمن الوطن , ولكن ما أستطيع أن أقوله ان النيابة العامة تتولي التحقيق الأن في الموضوع و وتستمع إلى كل الأطراف وتفحص المستندات...
Date of source: Monday, October 3, 2011
About 1,500 Coptic Egyptians staged demonstrations before the Aswan municipality headquarters in Upper Egypt on Monday to demand the construction of a church in the village of Marīnāb, close to the town of Edfu.
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تظاهر عشرات الأقباط، في أسوان، أمام ديوان عام المحافظة، الإثنين، للمطالبة ببناء الكنيسة، التي شهدت الخلاف بين المسلمين والمسيحيين، بقرية الماريناب، بمركز إدفو، بعد قيام بعض المسلمين بإزالة مبان أقامها عدد من المسيحيين داخل مضيفة قديمة بالقرية، بهدف تحويلها إلى كنيسة.
Date of source: Sunday, October 2, 2011
Naguib Gobrail, a lawyer and the head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organizations (EUOHR), has called for the protection of Egypt's Copts from what he described as increasing violence from Salafi groups.
“Copts feel like strangers in their own country; many are being forced to leave Egypt...
Date of source: Sunday, October 2, 2011
On Friday, September 30, 2011 a structure purported to be a church was attacked and destroyed in the village of Mari-Nab, near Idfū, in the governorate of Aswan. Since then there has been much confusion in the media about what took place. Arab West Report editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman...
Date of source: Friday, September 30, 2011
A group of Muslims burnt part of a church in a village in Aswan Governorate, 800 km south of Cairo, eyewitnesses said Friday.
A group of Muslims gathered after Friday prayers outside Saint George's Church in the village of Marinab, close to the town of Edfu, the eyewitnesses also said.
Date of source: Sunday, October 2, 2011
A number of Coptic organizations and movements called on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the Cabinet to form a fact-finding commission to investigate the attack on Saint George Church in the village of Marīnāb, Idfū town, Aswan governorate.
A number of Muslims had burned the...