Displaying 141 - 150 of 155.
Al-Ahrar succeeded in revealing the hidden connections between Egypt and India. The head of the Sunna deniers lives in India.
Together with hundreds of patients, Abdel Hamid Al-Missawi, popular as Sheikh Abdel Hamid, believes that he can cure a variety of illness, psychic problems and also drive out evil spirits that may haunt people.
An unknown Jew recently wrote a letter to The Jerusalem Post abusing European heads of states with the typical distorted view of history. The letter carried the headline "An Open Letter to the American President - We will take revenge upon Killer Arabs" was signed by one Hana Gore.
Delegations representing 75 Islamic countries and six international Islamic organizations passed recommendations urging greater inter-Islamic cooperation at the conclusion of a four-day conference last Friday [June 25, 1999].
The general conference ended its sessions yesterday with 7 key recommendations.
"The West, its politicians and missionaries regard the Islamic world as one entity and, in dealing with Muslims, do not forget that they make up one social unit. But in the meantime, the West does not want us to feel united." Thus wrote Islamic scholar Tarek El-Bishri in the introduction to Ummati...
The Freedom House shows much concern about what is happening in Egypt, China and Vietnam, not paying the least attention to Israel’s practices. Also other groups are mentioned in the article. The conclusion of the author is that there are many slanders, some people are really making money out of...
The author, an Egyptian Armenian, looks briefly at some Armenian institutions in Egypt.
Vizirs and artisans, skilled craftsmen of states and cities, Egypt’s Armenians have ensured their community’s survival - and kept its history alive.
Strange religious and non-religious groups with very strange and potentially dangerous ideas concerning the dawning of the third millennium after Christ are beginning to be become known. This article is a summary of an article downloaded by the newspaper off California Net.


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