Date of source: Sunday, October 3, 1999
Youssef Sidhom discusses the report Religious Freedom in the world. Many governments have pledged not to resort to any means of discrimination between its citizens based on religion. Despite this, there are some countries where there is a difference between pledges and practices, where religious...
Date of source: Thursday, September 9, 1999
[This text was downloaded from the following URL:
The full text of the Fact Sheet as downloaded off the internet.
Date of source: Thursday, June 17, 1999 to Wednesday, June 23, 1999
"The West, its politicians and missionaries regard the Islamic world as one entity and, in dealing with Muslims, do not forget that they make up one social unit. But in the meantime, the West does not want us to feel united." Thus wrote Islamic scholar Tarek El-Bishri in the introduction to Ummati...
Date of source: Monday, December 28, 1998
In the last issue of the debate aired by the Qatari Al-Jezira channel between Maurice Sadek, President of the Center for Human rights and National Unity, and Mustafa Bakri, editor-in-chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, Sadek had said that the Egyptian government is a racist government and should be...
Date of source: Monday, December 21, 1998
A TV station from Qatar organized a live debate on the American Freedom of Religious Persecution Law and el-Koshh between Mustafa Bakri, editor in chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, and Maurice Sadek, president of the Center for Human Rights and National Unity.
Sadek, who defended the recently accepted...
Date of source: Saturday, November 28, 1998
The last 3,000 years witnessed the birth of three major religions, The first two had religions had an ongoing political conflict between them, to be concluded by the appearance of Islam as the final and most comprehensive religion.
Date of source: Saturday, July 25, 1998
Missionaries are responsible for the events in East Timor, according to the paper.
Date of source: Saturday, July 18, 1998
The Saudi government has established a special ministry for Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Islamic Propagation and Guidance to supervise Islamic activities and daawa [mission] work and look after the affairs of mosques. It is the newest addition to Saudi Arabia’s institutions that serve Islam.
Date of source: Monday, June 8, 1998
On the 17th of July Al-Azhar will receive a delegation from the Vatican, in the first meeting between the two sides after the signing of the dialogue document between them last week.