Date of source: Saturday, April 2, 2005
The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church is accused of selling the church’s properties to Jewish colonialists, a scandal
which triggered uproar among Palestinians and Arab Christians. The Jordanian government demanded the Patriarch, who has
Jordanian citizenship, to provide explanations and...
Date of source: Thursday, March 31, 2005
Berlin’s supreme court
upheld a ruling to have the imam of a mosque in the German capital banished on charges of “inciting violence and undermining
social peace.”
Turkish Muslim leader Yacub Tadshi, 59, has reportedly asked for God’s protection for suicide bombers in
Israel and Iraq during a...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 5, 2005
By assuming a civil, political role, the [Coptic]
Orthodox Church deviated from its religious mission to adopt the sectarian isolationist ideology of the Umma al-Qibtīya
“Coptic Nation Group” to become a “draft state”[in other words ‘Imāra is accusing the church of being separatist],
Date of source: Sunday, March 27, 2005
Sacd al-Dīn
Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders
for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being
politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Israeli Maariv newspaper revealed recently uncovered that the Greek Orthodox Church have sold Zionists a whole street that encompasses the cUmar Ibn al-Khattāb square in the Old City in Jerusalem, where there are a lot of restaurants, shops and two hotels owned by two groups of Jewish investors...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 22, 2005
For a long time, Israel and the United States have been trying to attack Islam to the extent that Israel is officially requesting that the US pressurize Muslims to stop Jews from converting to Islam. However, a Hebrew newspaper published that Islam is still widely spreading in an astonishing way.
Date of source: Sunday, March 13, 2005
Why should not Egypt, thanks to its current dialogue with Israel, demand the return of the Al-Sultan Monastery to the Coptic Orthodox Church?
Israeli occupation forces seized it on April 25, 1970, and then handed it over to the Abyssinians.
Date of source: Friday, March 11, 2005
Due to Islam’s triumph over secularism (that vanquished European Christianity and the spread of Islam in the West), we are facing a contemporary and recent escalation of the West’s practices in the face of Islam.
Date of source: Monday, March 7, 2005
The Qur’an says about the kitābis [People of the Book] that “They are not all alike” [The Meaning of The Holy Qur’ān by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall,3:113 ].
I just remembered this Qur’ānic fairness when I read about two court rulings and a political position that recently took the attention of...
Date of source: Friday, March 4, 2005
In the hectic conflict launched by the West some 1500 years ago, matters went so far that the Cardinals are now viewing Islam today as something that proliferates in the very intestines of the Western communities themselves. They hold that Islam is secularism-resistant and cannot melt in the pot of...