Displaying 1151 - 1160 of 1448.
Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat is expected to meet with the Prime Minister of Greece in Athens to discuss the issue of the Arab-Greek conflict inside the Orthodox Church in Palestine and Jordan; amidst news regarding the Russian mafia entering the conflict arena among the candidates to win...
It is forbidden to have a divorce according to the Orthodox Church. However, there are many examples of people who could get a divorce through changing their denomination from Orthodox to Protestant or any other denomination so that he she can get a divorce.
The author said that he was depressed when the Grand Imam called Egyptians to visit occupied Jerusalem and issued his fatwa, which considers that marriage between Egyptian men and Israeli woman is halal. He was cured from his depression by reading in Al-Watan Saudi paper that the Sheikh of the...
Toine van Teeffelen writes this time in his diary about the problem of emigration. The situation for Palestinian youth does not look very promising and they are trying to find opportunities in other countries.
A document about the status of Christians, Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem as formulated by H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, the Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem. The view of Patriarch Sabbah is shared by many other Christian communities in Jerusalem.
An American sect called "Acting to speed up the second advent" announced that it wants to clone Jesus Christ in order to accelerate his advent. In order to get Jesus’ amino acid the group would take something from the holy shroud of the Italian village of Turine. They asked for a female volunteer...
Baha’i sect was founded in Iran. Its followers believe in all prophets and that they are equal. They pray three times a day. For them women are considered flowers for all people to smell and enjoy. Although following this trend was forbidden in Egypt in 1971, the police arrested some people, in...
Different religions are entering political challenges, not in the name of God, but in the name of power. Historians agree that wars do not often happen for religious reasons. The first religious war dates back to 1095, when the knights answered the call of Pope Urban II to save Christians in the...
Khoury in turn responds to Bader’s article and explains why Taybeh is unique for its rich historical Christian heritage. Last year, Taybeh had a joyous Christmas celebration but as a result of the continuous Israeli attacks and brutality, this joyful celebration will not take place this year.
The author recounts how cheerfully Christmas used to be celebrated in the village of Taybeh, which is the only all Christian Palestinian village in the Holy Land. However, Christmas this year will be depressing and sad because there will be no Christmas celebrations this year in respect for the...


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