Displaying 31 - 40 of 61.
The author comments on Khals Jalabi´s “The need for Gandhi in Palestine” and Ma´amoun Fandy´s “The Arabic media was defeated in Jenin.” Jalabi called Arabs for nonviolence and civil resistance in their conflict with Israel and Fandy criticized the Arabic media. The author said that...
The USA hastened and accused the Arabs and Muslims in general and Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qa´ida organization in particular of being behind the attacks. America´s accusation of Arabs and Muslims was not filed haphazardly. It gave America the chance to invade Afghanistan under the claim...
The article is about the expansion of the Coptic Orthodox Church outside Egypt during the papacy of Pope Shenouda III.
A Mexican-born priest once alleged that Jesus Christ met him on January 1, 1976 and personally asked him to pick "a beautiful bride" for him. He said that Jesus has settled in a simple house in the Arizona desert. Between 1970 to 1994, 257,000 people have emerged in the United States with similar...
The author argues that the government is required to give back the Christians’ rights and dignity if they are really keen on addressing the Copts’ passive attitude towards participation in public affairs. To sustain democracy, he argues that the Copts must be sufficiently represented in parliament.
Dr. ‘Abd Allāh Shalabī, a young writer, wrote a book explaining how terrorism is a defense mechanism among the socially oppressed. He also explains the reason why terrorism is always linked to the Islamists.
The author argues that terrorism is a common threat to the world, and thus must be confronted with a unified international response. For this to happen, there needs to be general agreement on the identity of to real enemy.
The second part of Samuel P. Huntington’s recent book Who Are We? America’s Great Debate is trying to entrench some main ideas like the components of American identity, the Anglo-Protestant culture, religion and Christianity. - See art. 15: Rev. Akram Lama'i speaks about Zionist Christianity.
In occupied Iraq some groups abduct and kill hostages in the name of Islam. The abduction and killing of hostages in Iraq turned into a business as abductors demand money in exchange for the release of hostages. Some abductors made a fortune out of these operations. These operations offend both...
Erwin Muller, Head of the Dutch Institute for Security and Crisis management, has warned against non-Islamist religious movements in Asia, which will represent a real threat to the world in the upcoming years.


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