Displaying 51 - 60 of 61.
It seems that Muslims have no other option but to believe that they are destined to fight fierce warfare in the twenty first century and they will not find any way out of its fires. The snares are set everywhere and these snares are getting narrower every day. In this new era, Muslims have no...
Dr. Hamed Abu Zayd said that the most important issue occupying his mind is the crisis of modern religious thought and the problems of the different interpretations of the Qur`an. There have been several versions of the Qur’an but one was left over and other versions of the Qur`an were burned.
With just two months to go before the start of the new Millennium, Israel is bracing itself for an influx of Christian cranks, who at best see the date as heralding the return of the Messiah and the Last Judgment and at worst are suspected of wanting to hasten these events.
Youssef Sidhom discusses the report Religious Freedom in the world. Many governments have pledged not to resort to any means of discrimination between its citizens based on religion. Despite this, there are some countries where there is a difference between pledges and practices, where religious...
[This text was downloaded from the following URL: (http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/irf/irf_rpt/fs_990909_irf.html)] The full text of the Fact Sheet as downloaded off the internet.
In an interview with Sabah Al-Kheir, Dr. Nasr Abu Zeid talked about his obligatory exile and how he lives in Holland. He also stated his opinion in the fights that are raised in Al-Azhar right now between its scholars.
Vatican circles are currently concerned with preparations for a program that will bring Pope John Paul II to the Sinai in Egypt, Ur in Iraq, and occupied Jerusalem. An apology by the head of the Church for the Crusades will open a new era of relationships not only between the West and Muslims but...
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Muslim-Western relations. He makes suggestions for an approach and understanding between the two cultures.
Amr Mousa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, recently communicated with a number of countries including Japan and European countries, to correct the wrong image given about Egypt following Al-Koshh events.
A group of ’the Ancestors of the Crusaders’ has unexpectedly arrived in Lebanon apologizing for what their ancestors did around 900 years ago.


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