Displaying 141 - 150 of 430.
This article traces the rounds of the conflict between political Islam and the West, the possibilities for leadership of the Islamic world and possible future scenarios, including the victory of Islam, the revival of the Islamic caliphate or the decline and collapse of the Islamic world.
The author argues that the fact that Islamic groups, not liberal and secular movements, are the the big winners of the US’s efforts to promote democracy in the Middle East confuses the US administration, and American thinktanks as well.
The author highlights the contradiction between the Muslim Brotherhood’s declared attitude towards Copts and the opinions of their muftī.
The author comments on Youssef Sidhom’s editorial in "Watani" titled "Why did Egyptian Students demonstrate?" He believes that the ideas Sidhom expressed are strange ideas outside the bounds of the Egyptian Orthodox-church, as they do not support the Palestinian struggle against Israel. He also...
After the attacks of September 11, a kind of polarization happened with the followers of the three heavenly religions. Moderates from the three religions can unite and form a religious coalition. The current war will not be able to put an end to terrorism. Accordingly, there should be an...
In this article Bishop Yohanna Qulta gives an overview of the history of the Crusader wars. He expressed the opinion that in order to study the history of the Crusades, we have to remove Islam and Christianity as motives for them because, they were not directed at Islam although they were fought...
In answering a question about what the attitude of Arab Christians would be if America’s attacks against Afghanistan turned into a religious ideological war, the author pointed out the fact that Pope Michael, who was the pope during the Crusades and after him Pope Kyrillos VI and Pope Shenouda were...
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman was interviewed by Egyptian TV to speak about the role of Western media in reporting on the attack in America. The questions directed at him made it obvious that there is a deep mistrust of Western reporting about the Arab and Islamic world. The interviewer believed that...
Several Arab governments have recently opened the door to dialogue with political Islam groups after years of tension between Islamists and secularists in the Arab world.
The expression “Islamic terrorists” has become very common in international media. The recent bombings in Istanbul reinforced in the minds of average Westerners that the danger threatening their lives is “Islamic terrorists.” The theory of Samuel Huntington about the clashes between religions and...


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