Displaying 11 - 20 of 51.
For the past ten days, Egyptian news media have been circulating wild and unfounded stories aimed to discredit the newly reopened Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies. Al-Usbua newspaper devoted three pages to attacks on the "Zionist-American settlement in Muqattam" and claims that Dr. Saad...
It is yet to be proved that Al-Qa´ida is behind the recent attacks in Riyadh. However, US senior officials responsible for fighting terrorism believe that these attacks are undoubtedly indicating that Al-Qa´ida is back.
Intellectuals in our society should have the courage to acknowledge that terrorism has emerged from the Islamic world.
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.
In the light of the sad London blasts, one is sad for the British losses, as well as the Muslim losses. Whenever wise people promote the good core of Islam, unwise people destroy what was done.
Rā’id al-Sharqāwī reports about the Holy Synod meeting of June 18 that decided to dismiss Coptic Orthodox Bishop Mattias.
The French magazine Jeune Afrique published an article reporting that Ayman Al-Zawahry is the mastermind of Al-Qa´ida. The article recounts the story of his arrest in the republic of Daghastan five years ago when it was under Russian control.
The Pact of Umar is a document purportedly signed by Umar, the second caliph. It is the source of the restrictive regulations on non-Muslims embedded in the Shari´a. It has been used as the model for Muslims´ treatment of dhimmis [protected non-Muslims] from the Middle Ages down to today...
The National Council of American Churches has called upon all American local churches to open their doors to Muslims in the memoriam of the September 11 attacks. The Presbyterian Church in America is very enthusiastic about the call. It will start a small project, part of which is inviting ten...
The British authorities discovered that a security company called Sakina was recruiting British Muslim youth and sending them to Chechnya and Afghanistan to participate in Jihad against the Christian West. Therefore they closed the company and arrested its members. The members of Sakina are...


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