Displaying 31 - 40 of 51.
King Fahd ordered distribution of 40,000 copies of the Holy Qur’an and its translation to a number of institutions inside and outside the Kingdom.
The British government has no clear policy against terrorism and terrorists. Sometimes, it appeases these serial murderers and at other times it hunts them down. In most cases, it acts at the behest of the US.
A British court this week ruled in favor of three London-based Islamists, turning down a police request to question them in connection with suspected involvement in terrorism. The suspects include two Egyptians who are leaders of Ansar El-Shari’a, "Upholders of Islamic Law." They are Mustafa Kamel...
The US has officially charged Ayman El-Zawahri, leader of the underground Jihad group, and his aide, Khaled El-Fawwaz, with involvement in the twin bombings of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last August. El-Zawahri is believed to reside in Afghanistan while El-Fawwaz is under arrest in...
Islamic militant Osama Bin Laden, one of the FBI’s "Ten Most Wanted" men, called on Muslims to target all Americans and condemned them as "immoral," in a television interview broadcast June 10. "They are an immoral people without values," he told Qatar’s satellite television station Al-Jazira in an...
Claims made in the western press about the rape of Christian girls in Egypt, and forcing them to become Muslims with the allegation that this takes place with the blessing of the police stirs and angry response from the authorities and Christians.
Shortly after Ali Abul-Saoud Mustafa, a fugitive Egyptian Islamist, was arrested in the United States last month, he was accused by American prosecution authorities of cooperating with Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden in a worldwide anti-American conspiracy. The Egyptian government had requested...
There has currently been extensive talk about continued confrontation with the Jihad underground organization, which is the most dangerous terrorist group. The organization has been receiving heavy blows inside and outside the country. The current period of time has witnessed the handing over to...
The so-called Returnees from Albania trial - the largest in the stream of military trials of Islamist militants since the assassination of President Sadat in 1981 - ended on 18 April with the usual cocktail of death sentences, prison terms and acquittals.
After nearly two years of dithering, reported internal splits and a worldwide crackdown led by the United States, Egypt’s largest militant organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya, issued a statement on 25 March announcing its decision to renounce anti-government violence.


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