Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Dār al-‘Uloum Faculty has organized a cultural day on the role of translation in inter-cultural dialogue.
Hamdī Rizq discusses the issue of the finance of the Muslim Brotherhood, believing that their unclear activities raise questions about the credibility of their religious slogans.
The author gives examples from many countries showing that violence is still practiced against women despite the many rights they have been granted.
Jaerock Lee claims to be God’s son. He says his image appears on the sun and the moon and that his soul heals the sick and helps the poor.
Israeli Hebrew-language newspaper Yediot Ahronot has recently reported that Korean peace advocate Sun Myung Moon was expected to pay a visit to the Middle East region to meet with Muslim and Christian clerics.
The warnings that cause fear among Americans did not start on September 11, but date back to September 7, 2001 when the American Department of State sent to all its embassies a global warning. The warning included a statement saying that American citizens and American interests are facing an...
The article looks at the different religious groups in America and discusses the possibility of initiating a global dialogue among moderate religious people. The author´s main purpose of the article is to encourage concerned bodies in the Arab and Islamic world to build bridges for a civilized...
Sourat al-‘Arab wa al-Muslimīn Fi al-Manāhij al-Dirāsīya Hawl al-‘Ālam [Image of Arabs and Muslims in school curricula all over the world] by Sulaymān Qinnāwī is a study of the stereotype of Muslims and Arabs in Western school curricula.
Each faithful and rational Muslim has to question the intentions of who behead hostages [in Iraq] do. The aim of these actions is distorting the image of Arabs and Muslims. For me this is tarnishing the image of Islam, which is the spiritual source for Islamic presence in this world. At the same...
A new class A few days ago, Watani’s Centre of Journalistic Formation and Human Resources Development celebrated the graduation of its second class. When the first class graduated two years ago, Watani provided Egyptian society and its journalism community with a group of confident and ardent young...


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