Displaying 11 - 20 of 51.
The author discusses the persecution of Copts in Egypt and his hopes that democracy in Egypt will improve the Copts’ situation. He looks to Europe and the United Nations for examples of defeating persecution and discusses the legitimacy of foreign intervention in matters concerning human rights.
In Denmark, the Prime Minister has defended the right to freedom of speech in relation to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, the UK clamps down on terrorism, and a German prison celebrates Ramadān.
Sheikh Fawzy Al-Zifzaf said that inter-religious dialogue does not mean obliging the follower of another religion to accept a certain religious belief or to make him agree with a new religion that combines the teachings of all religions. He added that there is no dialogue with the Jews as Jewish...
Rafique Iscander, the head of the American Coptic Union, sent a letter to President Bush. In this letter he made the events in southern Sudan, the crimes of the civil war in Lebanon and the individual incidents that took place in Egypt appear similar. He wrote that in return for the aid Egypt...
The American University in Cairo warned a student she may be dismissed after she decided to wear the niqab and they prevented her from attending her classes. The student said that the administration of the University did not try to find a midway solution with her and just took this arbitrary...
More than 600 religious and political leaders from the world’s major beliefs, and flashpoints such as Kosovo, Indonesia and the Middle East, will meet here starting today (Thursday) to hammer out a partnership for the next Millennium.
Sheikh Omar Bakry explains how candidate-terrorists are first receiving a training in London and after they have completed that training they go to other countries for further training in terrorist techniques.
A member of the Jordan Writers Association "suspended himself" last week from the executive board, over several disputes with the president, Fakhri Kawar because he had met with Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic during a recent trip to Yugoslavia where he signed an agreement without informing...
Israel is seeking a way out for its auxiliary militia, the South Lebanon Army (SLA), when its forces withdraw from southern Lebanon in line with a pledge by Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The SLA currently numbers around 2,500 fighters and 600 men in clerical positions. Though 60 percent of them are...
Muslims are in a difficult situation because of the inability of others to distinguish the difference between various Muslims groups. The world is full of struggles, clashes and disputes. These occur in countries where the majority are Hindu, Christian or Buddhist just as they do where Muslims are...


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