Date of source: Saturday, May 14, 2005
Female students of mass communication colleges in Lebanon are facing a huge problem that obstructs their career. The problem is that no TV channels, except Hizb Allāh’s al-Manār, would to hire them while wearing the Muslim head cover.
Date of source: Sunday, May 8, 2005
A direct political dialogue with moderate Islamist movements could help to dampen the threat of the jihadi groups. Such is the conclusion of a report recently carried out by a group of American experts. The authors of the document add that the American administration should start to establish...
Date of source: Monday, May 9, 2005
Alistair Crook succeeded in holding unprecedented meeting in Beirut on March 21-22 where American personalities close to decision-making circles in U.S and leaders or representatives of some Islamic movements in the area attended the event.
The conference was just an occasion for a real and direct...
Date of source: Wednesday, April 27, 2005
It is a strange and alarming phenomenon to see the contemporary Arab thinkers advocating fiercely conspiracy theories.
Date of source: Saturday, April 23, 2005
The US started dialogue with Middle Eastern political Islamic groups. These dialogues are usually not public, and hosted in Arab or European capitals. Beirut hosted a secret meeting calling for the necessity of dealing with moderate political Islam.
Date of source: Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Abeeda, a Palestinian woman of 27 wanted to take revenge for her fiancé’s death at the hands of Israeli soldiers just days before their scheduled wedding date. She wore an explosive belt and walked toward the soldiers, but she was caught and put in prison. Twenty other women are sentenced to the...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 4, 2004
The controversial thinker Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid arrived to Beirut as head of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, which was inaugurated yesterday. More than 100 thinkers, researchers and academics have come from Europe and the U.S. to join Zeid in launching the institute.
Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid...
Date of source: Monday, May 10, 2004
Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid will be the chairman of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, an Arab think tank based in Beirut. He has always wished to participate in independent cultural work. “The modernization of thought is the motto but what is more important than the motto is the means. The aim of...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 11, 2004
The Arab conquerors were tolerant toward the ancient Egyptian culture that was flourishing in the Alexandria Library. Arabs were tolerant with all the cultures of their time. They were very tolerant as long as it did not contradict the teachings of Islam. That is why the claim that the Arab...
Date of source: Sunday, May 9, 2004
Al-Ahram daily wrote that “The French magazine Le Point has written that Copts enjoy their full legitimate rights and that controversy over Copts’ rights as Egyptian citizens living on equal terms with Muslims, has ended It is clear from the original Le Point text that al-Ahram printed only part of...