Date of source: Friday, September 16, 2011
The Egyptian Saint George's Orthodox Church in Misrātah, Libya, was hit by three rockets during battles between revolutionists and militants of the deposed President Mu‘ammar al-Qadhdhāfī.
Date of source: Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Episcopal Church in 2007: a visit to China, Iran and to Libya where two churches were inaugurated after four centuries of imposed absence due to political reasons.
Date of source:
Lutfī responds to ‘Āmir on the subject of his faulty understanding of the salafī approach, citing several examples of the salafī approach leading to and supporting terrorist activities and an anti-moderation that is counter to Islam.
Date of source: Friday, June 13, 2008
The article discusses Jews in Iraq and the contribution that they made to society before emigrating to Israel.
Date of source: Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wajīh Ramzī writes about St. Marqus, the apostle who introduced Christianity to Egypt.
Date of source: Saturday, April 19, 2008
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, chairman of Ibn Khaldūn Center for Development Studies reports on his paper that was presented to a conference that was held in Rome under the title: ’The Cross, the Crescent and the Ballot Box.’ Ibrāhīm’s paper discussed Islam and democracy. In the following lines Ibrāhīm...
Date of source: Sunday, March 23, 2008
The article reports on statements that the Libyan president has made in which he attacked the Holy Bible, saying that it has been corrupted by the removal of the name of the Prophet Muhammad.
Date of source: Thursday, June 19, 2008
A number of articles in this issue discuss the increase in Christian emigration rom the Arab world. Further articles discuss the contentious issue of the hijāb and niqāb in the schools and workplace.
Date of source: Friday, January 14, 2005
The police in Munich, South Germany, announced yesterday that 15 suspects were put under provisional detention after a wide operation launched against some Islamic networks.
Date of source: Monday, December 10, 2007
The author overviews projects of prominent businessman Najīb Sawirus in order to prove that he has become a gluttonous man with money and power.