Displaying 351 - 360 of 382.
To the more hardline of Britain’s 1.75 million Muslims, this month’s 75th anniversary of the destruction of the Islamic State (Khilafah) by modern Turkey’s secularist founder Mustafa Kamal is a stark reminder of the West’s enduring hostility to Islam.
An interview made by Al-Wasat with Mustafa Kamel, also known by Abu Hamzah Al-Masry, prior to his detention by the British authorities in London.
Egypt is holding three suspected Muslim militants who were arrested in the United Arab Emirates and handed over to Cairo in February, a London-based Islamic organization said on February 24.
The head of the Shari`a Supporters organization Abu Hamzah Al-Masry threatened to bomb all western airplanes both civilian and military. He assured [reporters of] his determination to raise his plan in the meeting of fundamentalist groups held in London.
Article on the Sufi artist Yassin Al-Tohami which gives some background on Sufism in Egypt.
The well-known director of the Ibn Khaldoun Institute sees the government has taken a few positive steps to improve the situation of the Copts.
The Gama’at al-Islamiya calls Muslims to fight the US in retaliation for its air strikes against Iraq.
Did the Islamist project fail or does it continue to form a government in waiting? Interview with the Tunisian sheikh Rashed Al-Ghenoushi (57) who lives in exile in London.
In a blatant intervention in Egypt’s affairs, the US asked the Egyptian government to close the file of charges against the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
Even if the strange and weird events regarding the incident of Al-Koshh and the response in the Egyptian media had not happened, it would have been invented by the Telegraph so as to find an excuse to talk about the illusion of the persecution of Copt’s in Egypt.


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