Displaying 81 - 90 of 382.
Dr. Hasan ‘Abd Rabuh al -Misrī discusses the lifestyle of Muslims living in the U.K.
This article says that Najīb Mahfūz’s novel ‘Awlād Haritna,’ and Salman Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses’ triggered an apostasization campaign throughout the Islamic world.
‘Ubayd discusses the history of various forms of Christianity, from Arab Christians to Eastern Christians, and the problems that are still remain to overcome.
Dr. Amīn Makram ‘Ubayd introduces himself to readers of AWR, wanting to dedicate his efforts “towards a mission of progress energized by a will to see obscurantism defeated, fanaticism vanquished and poverty conquered.” “Writing,” Dr. ‘Ubayd writes, “associated with a fair degree of research, put...
Dr. Jamīl Kamāl Georgy argues that the world is undergoing a phase of struggle among civilizations, not dialogue.
Text of lecture about a declining Christianity in the Middle East. Dalrymple compares between his travels in the mid nineties to when he collected material for his book ‘From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East,’ and recently travelled to the areas he had visited...
The head of the Ansar Al-Sharī‘a organization in London stressed that Iran handed Rifa’i Taha, the head of the military wing of the Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīyah over to Syria and they then handed him over to Egypt. Still, fundamentalist sources in Egypt did not confirm the news. From another...
British historian William Dalrymple denounces the policies of London and Washington, and warns of the danger of the Western discrimination against Muslims and Islām.
Amjad al-Fārūqī, 39, a British Muslim policeman of Asian origin, was recently removed from his position in the elite Diplomatic Protection Group (D.P.G.) of the Metropolitan Police that guards dignitaries, on the grounds that he represents "security risks."
Some European countries and the Russian Federation have taken legal steps against terrorists who allegedly planned to launch violent attacks.


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