Displaying 41 - 50 of 75.
The author explains that there is a difference between true Islam and violent Islam adopted by members of the Qa´ida and other Islamic groups. He writes that Muslims should stand against this violent Islam.
The secretary of the Malaysian prime minister visited the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in his office. One of the members of the Brotherhood international group in Malaysia participated in the meeting. The group asked him to convince the prime minister to introduce political and financial...
It is yet to be proved that Al-Qa´ida is behind the recent attacks in Riyadh. However, US senior officials responsible for fighting terrorism believe that these attacks are undoubtedly indicating that Al-Qa´ida is back.
The author compares between the reactions to criticizing Jews and abusing the belief of Muslims in view of the reactions given to the statements of American General William Boykin and the Malaysian prime minister about Islam and the Jews. The first stated that Muslims worship idols and his...
Mahatir Muhammad´s words about the Jews´ power in the world caused a mixed reaction: Some praised his words while others condemned the words as anti-Semitic. Whether they praised or condemned his words, most failed to pay attention to anything other than his comments on the Jews, i.e. to...
Most of Mahatir Muhammad´s speech was directed at the circumstances of Muslims. He condemned those who believe that Muslim´s knowledge should only be based on their study of Islamic fiqh. Muhammad accused that group of being the reason for Muslims´ decreased interest in science,...
The author comments on the speech of Mahater Muhammad, Malaysian prime minister, in the latest Islamic summit. Muhammad declared that Jews control the world and that frustrated Muslims should try to learn from them. In view of the Western reactions to such declaration, the author asked: who should...
An overview of a book, “Crossroads,’ written by the Minister of Education. The book comments on the reality of the Arab world and the Egyptian society.
The late US president, Richard Nixon, wrote in his book about the Muslim world that Americans must be careful to draw a line between the conduct of Muslim extremists and the Muslim faith.
Next month, Karachi, the Pakistani trade capital, will host an international conference on Islamic banking systems and financial markets.


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