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Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II will pray at Maundy Thursday Mass at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Mina tomorrow (May 2, 2013) and at Saint Mark Cathedral in al-'Abbāsīyyah on Good Friday (Majdī Fikrī, al-Dustūr, May 1, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.
Drs. Hulsman’s report discusses the state of past and present relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The paper opens by giving information about Pope Shenouda III and the most important incidents that have taken place during his reign. The second half of the paper then looks at specific...
Michael ‘Ādil reports on the statements of participants of an Iftār celebration organized by the Rotary Club of Cairo.
The priest of Virgin Mary Church in Marina on the North Coast, Angelius Ishāq, accused the president of al-Alamein City Council of seizing a piece of church-owned disputed land and paving it in order to turn it into a public road.
A conflict arose between the priest of Marina Church and the governor of the Marsá Matrūḥ governorate when the governorate sold a piece of land that belonged to the church to two other institutions. The church complained to the president of the state and the head of the president’s cabinet...
The author examines ‘Amr Khālid’s connections to the middle and upper class Egyptians and his new brand of televised piety.
‘Amr Khālid has had a remarkable march to fame as a dā‘iya.
It was said that Sheikh Amr Khalid used the scientific method and a free mature way of thinking in explaining the Qur’an and Sunna. However the author provides many examples of how Khalid imitates the ways used by preachers for many centuries. He proves that he is very far from using the scientific...
A lady wondered why attacking Sheikh Amr Khalid if God had guided thousands through him. A researcher in Islamism said that Khalid was trying to penetrate the elite class and the rich, and attract them to Islam, especially after the failure of political violence, which concentrated on attracting...
The Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria applied twenty years ago (!!) to the governor of Alexandria to dedicate a spot of land, owned by the governorate, to build a church in Al-Maamoura Beach serving thousands of Coptic residents and visitors. Until now that permit has not yet been granted.
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