Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
The issue of celebrating the mulid of Abū Hasera aroused the anger of the inhabitants of Demtawa, where his tomb is located. There are many conflicting stories about the reality of his character. Some stories say that he was one of the prophets that were sent to the Israelites in Egypt and...
This article concerns a recent interview with former U.N. Secretary General Dr. Butrus Ghāli. The interview gives an indication of Mr. Ghāli’s viewpoints on the hottest issues facing the international community.
Jābir ‘Asfūr describes the history of terrorism and the appearance of extremist Islamic organizations in Egypt after the end of Nāsir’s rule and the beginning of President Sādāt’s era.
Mahmūd ‘Āmir severly criticizes Shaykh Yūsuf al- Qaradāwī and his stance on the Muslim Brotherhood, Shī‘ah and the Lebanese resistance.
The FBI received an anonymous message to the effect that an Egyptian Christian biologist living in the USA and working in Yosemred [name translitterated from the Arabic] Institution for military biological research is the one behind the spread of anthrax in America. The FBI men got to believe that...
Hundreds of Copts who live in North American took to the streets outside the White House to protest the Egyptian government’s sponsored persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt. The demonstration took place while President Mubarak was inside the White House meeting with President Bush. The...
The president of the Azhar Permanent Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue said that the aim of inter-religious dialogue is to prove that Islam is not calling for extremism. He added that the West distorted the history of the Crusades to prove that it was Muslims who attacked them. He said that...
The author asked Pope Shenouda how we can debate with Jews in light of their greed? Can negotiations and debate achieve a positive result with them? And when? How can we make religions co-exist? Is Christianity really close to Judaism, because its belief in the Old Testament? Or are there...
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