Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, chairman of Ibn Khaldūn Center for Development Studies reports on his paper that was presented to a conference that was held in Rome under the title: ’The Cross, the Crescent and the Ballot Box.’ Ibrāhīm’s paper discussed Islam and democracy. In the following lines Ibrāhīm...
The controversial movie ’Fitna’ aroused heated discussions concerning Arab-West and Islam-West relations. The airing of the controversial movie, caused Western and Arab countries to reconsider their relationships with each other. The conditions of Muslims have become more prominent and the...
Recent statistics released by the United Nations Children’s Fund [UNICEF, see: http://www.unicef.org/], revealed that Egypt comes second on the list of countries that practice female circumcision.In hisbook, ’Khitān al-Ināth Fī Manzūr al-Islām’ [Female Circumcision from an Islamic Perspective],...
There are about ten thousand religions all over the world. This article ranks them in terms of number of religious adherents and describes where the majority of each religion is to be found.
Gamal Sultan states that persecution is that which was experienced by the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzovina who were massacred and raped, and not, as some Copts suggest, the situation experienced by the Copts in Egypt, who complain that there only two Coptic ministers in cabinet and that there...
Egypt is listed among the top five countries facing terrorist threats, and the deputy head of the National Council of Human Rights confirms that the issue of the terrorist bombings needs a social, cultural and economic solution.
Al-Ahram Al-Arabi devoted a six-article file to Islam in the Maghrib (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania). The first and sixth article concentrate on mosques in the Maghrib, as a reflection of the history of Islam in the region. The second article deals with the development of the religious...
No one could deny that the 1980 amendment of the second article of the Egyptian Constitution to have the Islamic sharī‘a [law] as the main source of legislation has raised a lot of sensitivities for the fellow Coptic citizen, whether inside or outside Egypt.
It seems there is a great deal of confusion between the hijāb and the niqāb. Some believe that the niqāb is a religious obligation, which is totally wrong.
Although I am not in favor of the cultural explanation of the phenomenon of terrorism, the fake religious cloak this group is acting under spurs me to say that this destructive indiscriminate violence would not have spread if it there had not been a cultural background that churned out fanaticism...


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