Displaying 121 - 130 of 156.
Many men of religion, Islamic scholars and intellectuals refuted Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s opinions. Sheikh Abdel-Monsif Mahmoud said that pilgrimage is not a pagan relic but is basically a declaration of leaving paganism. Adel-Fattah Abdel-Karim said that her demand to allow women to marry more than...
Lawyer Nabih Al-Wahish introduced a new notification against Nawal Al-Sa’adawi, in which he asked the General Attorney to file a Hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion] suit against Al-Sa’adawi to separate her from her husband as she has denied the...
One of the newspapers ran an interview with Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi, in which she was asked her opinion about going on pilgrimage and other issues. The author argues against her opinions and claims that her knowledge of Islam is poor.
Dr. Adel Sabour Shahin said that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi was a heretic and a communist who does not believe in God. Dr. Suade Salah, the former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, said that her opinions are considered a deviation from religion as she denied one of the main essentials in Islam, that...
The Taliban movement destroyed ancient Buddha statutes in Afghanistan. Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi said that not every statue is an idol and it is not right to demolish statues even if they were previously worshipped. Abdel Shafie Mohammed said that what happened is an unnecessary frantic act. Dr. Abdel...
In the past the Muslims of America and Europe were not allowed to found Islamic associations or practice Islamic rituals openly. This status has changed during the last quarter of a century.
The author believes that publishing the photo of Virgin Mary in Al-Ahali newspaper is an action against national unity; publishing such a photo supports Christianity while it undermines Islam. It is an activity against the constitution and the law. It means that the Holy Virgin is pleased with...
Sheikh Attaya Saqr explained the difference between praying in Islam and Christianity and said that a Muslim is allowed to pray in churches or synagogues. A Muslim can pray anywhere on the earth as long as it is a pure place.
Through an imaginary dialogue between the author and two of his friends, he gives the pros and cons to the idea of establishing an Islamic party for the Muslim Brotherhood. While one of the friends is of opinion that announcing such a party will push the country two hundred years back in time, the...
Subtitles: *Al-Zawahri is suffering with the desire of owning members of other Islamic groups which led him into folly. *Al-Gama’a is suffering from too much consultation which causes confusion and leads to arguments between the leadership. *Al Jihad categorized all as atheists, but the Gama’a...


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