Displaying 1 - 10 of 71.
Muslim scholars attending the First World Conference, which dealt with Saudi Arabia's efforts to serve Islamic issues, have called for a united Arab and Islamic effort regarding Arab issues. The conference praised Saudi Arabia's role in establishing an international center to combat terrorism, as...
Drs. Hulsman and Dr. Burslem provide a detailed report on Muslim-Christian relations based on a review of Dr. Hugh Goddard’s book, commenting on a number of issues including Western perceptions, mis-interpretations, and examples of recent incidents involving Muslims and Christians.
In an interview with Mahmūd ‘Īsá, Muslim thinker Jamāl al-Bannā elaborates on many of his controversial stances and honors the Qur’ān as the only authentic point of reference for Muslims. He also declares that the divine influence of the Qur’ān is not in the human interpretation of the Qur’ānic...
In his interview with Sanā’ al-Sa‘īd, Pope Shenouda does not expect a quick solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without first achieving Arabic harmony. He also discussed issues related to U.S. aid, foreign interference, the Iranian case, illegal emigration, and other Egypt-related issues.
Jamāl al-Bannā reviews the contents of a Web site of a Sudanese Muslim scholar who belongs to the Qur’anis Group. The Sudanese scholar refuted the teaching of a book that belonged to a member of the ‘Sunnah Supporters’ group which affirmed that the Prophetic Sunnah is as important to Muslims as the...
The article reviews a study performed by the former Azhar professor Dr. Ahmad Subḥī Manṣūr, that tries to prove that Islam does not recognize the concept of Ḥadd al-riddah.
The following article presents an overview of the Annual Anglican-Al Azhar Interfaith Meeting that implicitly dealt with dialogue and means of furthering it. Wisam al-Deweny provides her input on the subject, and recommends means of improving this dialogue in the future.
Separation of executive, judicial and legislative authorities is one of the bases of the civil state. Many people believe that this separation is the invention of Western civilization not Islamic civilization. In fact, this is not true. This separation appeared for the first time in the first...
The author considers the rights of minorities and if the rights afforded to them hold up to the standards of Sharī‘ah and the Qur’ān.


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