Displaying 211 - 220 of 254.
The author responded to three questions: - Why did the Patriarchate not issue a statement about the appearance of the Holy Virgin as Pope Kyrillos VI did? - Why did Pope Shenouda invite those who participated in the series of "Awan Al-Ward" to the iftar party he gave, although many Christians are...
Egyptian authorities imposed power on a village in Minia governorate after the eruption of fights between Muslims and Copts. The Ministry of Interior issued a statement denying that this incident has any political or sectarian motives. A fight had occurred between some members of a Muslim family...
The file of the churches problems refuses to be closed. Whenever we think that the problems are over, we find there are more problems, in an endless stream of cases. If a presidential decree issued last December has already canceled the necessity to present church repair requests to the governors...
A leading figure in the extremist Gama’at al-Islamiya, Ayman Abdel Aziz, handed himself to the security department, a step which was interpreted by the Egyptian authorities as a " big change inside the movement". The ex active member of the terrorist group revealed details about the activities of...
Al-Ashmounain village in Al-Minya governorate is one of the main stations of the Holy Family. In spite of its historic importance, the security forces shut down the church in 1986 for "security reasons". What is really amazing is that when the people asked to re-open and restore the church, their...
The letter of the Bishop of Deir Mawass in Minya governorate to Watani newspaper, which was published under in the article titled: "The Echoes of the Statement of the Hundred", provoked rage in the hearts of Muslims and Christians together. They protest that his narration of the matter he relates...
In its session of yesterday, Sohag’s Criminal Court decided to postpone hearing the case of the killing of the two Christian young men who were killed in the village of Al-Kosheh in August 1998 to the session of May 7 in order to add to the evidence the log books for August and September 1998 of...
"The Statement of the Hundred" that was published in the same place last week was divided into three parts: a call to the nation, recommendations to the officials, and a list with the hundred names who had signed this statement. Starting from this week, we will screen the reactions to the...
After deciding to change the name of the village of Al-Kosheh in Sohag to the village of Al-Salaam [meaning, Peace] in accordance with the wishes of the local administration... the local administration units in a number of cities and villages in Upper Egypt are conducting a comprehensive research...
Father Makarios Yusef of Abu Qurqas told al-Wafd about how he convinced AFP-correspondent Lachlan Carmichael about the unity of Muslims and Christians in Abu Qurqas. The RNSAW spoke to Carmichael who referred for his opinion to his article in the Middle East Times.


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