Displaying 51 - 60 of 71.
Assuit’s Criminal Court decided to postpone the case of the murder on a monk of Al-Muharraq monastery in Qussia, to next Tuesday.
A dialogue between Dr. Maurice Asad, who has known Dr. William Sulaymān Qilāda for probably more then 50 years, and Drs. Kees Hulsman, who also knew Dr. Qilāda personally.
Most news reports on the death of father Aghnatious of the monastery of Muharaq report about problems between the monastery and tenants. That’s however not fair. The problems concerned squatters.
After 72 hours the security authorities revealed that there were two brothers who were afraid that the monk might kick them out of the land and thus they set a trap for him in order to threaten him.
The security authorities discovered that the monk kicked out a farmer from his land. Hence, the farmer and his brother shot him with automatic guns and they ran away.
A monk from the Monastery of al-Muharaq died through unknown bullets when he was in the fields that were near the monastery.
Father Aghnatious Al-Muharaqi, a monk from the Monastery of al-Muharaq in Qussia (in the governorate of Assiout), died through unknown bullets.
Father Aghnatious Al-Muharaqi, a monk from the Monastery of al-Muharaq in Qussia (in the governorate of Assiout), died through unknown bullets.
Father Aghnatious Al-Muharaqi, a monk from the Monastery of Al-Muharaq in Qussia (in Assiout) died after he was shot while he was in the fields nearby the monastery.
Muslims and Christians commemorate the anniversary of Virgin Mary. We all honor and pay homage to the lady who is honored by all religions as the best woman on earth. The Coptic church has lately celebrated the ascension of Virgin Mary in a very unique Egyptian style that usually turns rituals into...


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