Displaying 171 - 180 of 360.
Examples that show how quickly rumors are spread in Egypt. Initiative to set up an Egyptian agency to combat rumors.
The Egyptian Minister of Culture decided that Egypt will contribute a huge stone of Assuan granite to the monument for the Unknown Child in The Netherlands. His decision was followed by the visit of Mirjam and Sil van Oort, two representatives of the Rose Foundation, between December 7 and 17 2003...
The author comments on the reactions of Jews towards displaying the book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the decision of the library to withdraw it. He believes that Israel does not leave any chance without exploiting it for more gain. All the time, it...
Nasr Hamed Abou Zeid [Abu Zayd] has found himself on the wrong side of Al Azhar once more. Al Azhar´s Islamic Research Council has recommended that a book by Abou Zeid be banned. The book was brought to Al Azhar´s attention by Muhammad Emara, who is also part of the 45 member council. Adel Abdel...
European Commissioner Frits Bolkestein directed a number of new accusations to Islam in courtesy of Jews at the time they were commemorating the memory of the German war against Jews [most likely the Holocaust is meant]. Bolkestein claimed that Islam, in its current state, does not meet the...
AWR helps the Rose Foundation with an International Monument for the Tomb of the Unknown Child, bringing countries and cultures together around one common cause.
The Dutch parliament is due to examine a number of subjects regarding education, including Muslim schools and their impact on society. It is expected that discussions over education will bring hot disagreements among different Dutch parties, particularly over the issue of Islamic schools.
AWR has an impressive amount of knowledge in the fields of political, religious and cultural relations in Egypt, while not being a party in this field of different players. In this way [AWR] is an independent and trustworthy source of information, in and outside Egypt. AWR reports also make a...
AWR is a reliable and very important source of information concerning ongoing discourses in Arab societies.
A member of the Dutch right wing Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy [VVD] has called for a law allowing authorities to close mosques that are believed to pose a danger to Dutch society.


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