Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
The queen of Jordan holds a conference urging the world to stand up to violence against children in war-torn Arab countries.
The spokesman and general coordinator of the Egyptian Movement for Change, Kifāya, George Ishāq, has been interrogated by leaders of the movement about his participation in a dubious U.S. conference, held last month in Istanbul, Turkey and attended by a large number of Israeli academics.
The movie adaptation of Dan Brown’s controversial novel, The Da Vinci Code, will not be seen in Egypt when it is released worldwide on May 19, 2006, ‘Abd al-Latīf Jābir writes in al-Sharq al-Awsat of May 10, 2006. The controversy comes as the movie claims that Jesus married Mary Magdalene...
A few days ago, the Doha Fourth Interfaith Conference opened amidst increasing calls to stress the role of religions in saving humankind from evil.
Two books on the relationship between the West and Islamic countries are issued.
Al-Dustour publishes an article sent by Michael Munīr commenting on an article criticizing him by the Coptic researcher Majdī Khalīl.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called upon Christian leaders in the US to intervene in convincing Regina Catholic Secondary School, in Ohio, to reconsider its decision that prevented a Muslim student to have her lessons in school because of wearing the veil.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) participates in a series of lectures under the title “Different tendencies…Common Values” in the US state of Ohio. The aim of the lectures is promoting tolerance among children of different religions and cultures in the state.
The author discusses the theocracy in Egypt that prevailed during the Pharaonic era.
People’s attraction to religion is not only due to fear of death or any other single motive. According to a new psychological theory about religion, there are 16 psychological needs that motivate people to search for a certain meaning in religion. This theory was constructed by Steven Reis,...


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