Date of source:
The first annual report of the National Council for Human Rights, which depended mainly on the reports of the more experienced civil society organizations and their demands and recommendations during the past 20 years, was so frail that it is acting as an organization strictly receiving complaints...
Date of source: Saturday, March 3, 2007
The under-secretary of the Community Council of the Coptic Orthodox Church suggested including a text in the Constitution stating that the Egyptian people are composed of Muslims and Copts in order to emphasize that Copts are not absent from society, and to help address the abuses made against them...
Date of source: Sunday, February 25, 2007
The article represents evidence of the brotherly Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt throughout history. Christians fought the British occupation hand-in-hand with their Muslim citizens.
Date of source: Thursday, February 8, 2007
In an unprecedented occasion the Coptic Orthodox Church hosts a symposium where Muslim and Christians are intended to participate in an open objective dialogue to build bridges of intercommunication toward real values of citizenship.
Date of source: Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Security bodies have made secret deals with
Jamā‘ah Islamīyah
to present them as an alternative to the Muslim Brotherhood in mosques,
universities and social communities and
thus to defeat them.
Date of source: Monday, May 15, 2006
A love story between a Muslim girl and a Christian
boy, leads
to a sectarian sedition in Qalإ«bīya and raises tensions in the governorate. The girl’s
went to the police station to file a report about the incident and to get the boy arrested.
Date of source: Tuesday, May 2, 2006
With the attendance of a large number of Egyptian religious and
political figures,
Bishop Antonius Najīb, 71, was ordained yesterday as the new patriarch of Coptic
Catholics in Egypt at
the Virgin Mary Cathedral in Nasr City, Cairo.
Date of source: Thursday, April 20, 2006
The Egyptian
Ministry of
Awqāf [endowments] has recently endorsed a proposal to unify the call to prayer that is
from thousands of different loudspeakers in the country’s capital.
Date of source: Friday, December 30, 2005
The governor of al-Qalyoubīya, Judge ‘Adlī Husayn, has announced his decision to refer all requests for permission to renovate churches to the Legal Affairs Committee of the governorate, abiding by President Mubārak’s decision on restoring churches.
Date of source: Sunday, March 12, 2006
The author discusses the ongoing problems concerning national identity cards, which are now being computerized, and the difficulty of rectifying minor mistakes.