Displaying 31 - 40 of 95.
In the midst of the many accusations made by western politicians against Muslims, a wise Western voice, that is the voice of the Saint Egidius Organization in Vatican, called for holding an Islamic-Christian summit in Rome. The summit is aimed at creating dialogue between both parties to reveal...
The author is of the opinion that the statement of the Italian Prime Minister expressed the allures and ambitions of the West and its belief that Islam and the Arabic civilization is its real enemy. He compass between the old Crusades and the new one declared by President Bush, concluding that the...
The war on terrorism is casting its shadow over West-Islam relations, as shown by US policy towards Pakistan, Iran, and many other Muslim states. Buthayna Sha‘bān believes that the US stance is built on trust, and she thinks that to help their nations, Muslim leaders and states should trust...
An official security source from the State Security Prosecution Department of Giza governorate stated that the suspects in the sectarian strife incidents in the village of Garza were released on a bail of three thousand pounds for each pending the hearing of the lawsuit which is due to take place...
Kamel Al-Zohary, former head of the Journalists Syndicate, said that he was not disturbed because of an American media attack on Egyptian media. All nationalists from all trends should not be disturbed too. He added that the Egyptian press is very well observed by MEMRI which is a very strong...
The author reports that the Italian authorities dismissed the Imam of the main mosque in Rome following his sermon urging jihad. This sermon was greatly attacked by leaders of a Zionist organization based in France and work under the cover of human rights. The Simon Wiesenthal Center considered the...
Italians are very angry and threaten to launch a religious war against the 1,200,000 Muslims in Italy. This is because an Islamist preacher, Adel Smith, obtained a ruling from a court in the central town of L´Aquila, ordering the removal of all crucifixes from the walls of the classrooms of...
The monastery of the Dominican fathers in Cairo contains the largest Islamic library in Egypt. It contains 90,000 books on Islam, history, religious sciences and other sciences that can be used for conducting researches.
Father George Qanawati, who passed away on January 28, 1994, was one of the most prominent Arab intellectuals who paid great attention to consolidate dialogue between religions and cultures. He was the Vatican’s advisor for the secretariat of dialogue with non-Christian Believers.
Background about the life of Father Christian van Nispen in Egypt [member of the AWR-Editorial Board], his activities and his relationships with Muslim sheikhs and scholars.


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