Displaying 41 - 50 of 78.
This press review investigates the three consecutive bombings in the Sinai resort of Dahab from an analytical perspective amidst growing suspicions of the loyalty of the Bedouins of Sinai to their Egyptian homeland. It also includes suggestions about the involvement of al-Qā‘ida network.
Egyptian police have managed to identify the bombers who carried out the April 24 blasts of the tourist resort of Dahab, as three North Sinai Bedouin, Mu’min Fārouq Muhammad ‘Alī, Karīm Ashraf ‘Abdallāh and Mājid ‘Alī Mahmoud. Two days after the triple blasts, two suicide bombers attacked...
News of three bombs in Dahab, Sinai on the evening of April 24, 2006, killing 23 people including 20 Egyptians, and injuring 62 others including 42 Egyptians.
‘Āmir points out that the Muslim Brotherhood is a dangerous group that seeks to reach power through armed clashes with authorities. He suggests resisting such groups by distributing books that disprove their ideas.
The author presents an overview of a reference book containing important statements of prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood on political and social issues.
Yediot Ahranot reported that when the Saudi Foreign Minister met with Colin Powell in Sharm Al-Sheikh, he presented him with documents clarifying the reforms the kingdom made to end terrorism. These documents include lists of new appointments and dismissals, re-writing educational curriculums,...
The text of the speech of the Ambassador to the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt.
The conference of information ministers of the Islamic countries aimed to call upon Arab and Islamic countries to cooperate in all fields. What is going on in Palestine and Iraq proves that the Arab nation is not united. Conflicts between Arabs have made them an easy prey for their enemies.
The article covers the events of the sixth session of the conference of information ministers of the Islamic countries that was held in Cairo and its final declaration that gave priority to the war on Iraq.
The Egyptian Evangelical Church praised the efforts President Hosni Mubarak exerts so that peace may prevail in the Middle East and war on Iraq be avoided.


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