Displaying 141 - 150 of 256.
After deciding to change the name of the village of Al-Kosheh in Sohag to the village of Al-Salaam [meaning, Peace] in accordance with the wishes of the local administration... the local administration units in a number of cities and villages in Upper Egypt are conducting a comprehensive research...
Among his suggestions for actions to resolve the Al-Kosheh crisis the author writes: Enough the "Everything-is-all-right" committees! A government body for managing such crises must be founded. It must have the right of immediate intervention [in any such crisis]. Its opinion must be binding upon...
The peacemaking committee has not completed its work in Al-Kosheh. They have a few major problems.
The prosecution authorities of Sohag decided to renew the detention of 31 accused in the violent events of Dar El-Salam for another 15 days.
The ministers for housing and local development and the governor of Sohag visited Al-Kosheh and Dar El-Salam. They have checked the places where the recent events had taken place.
Father Gabra’il Abdel-Messih defends himself against accusations that he has used weapons. At the time of killing he was not in Al-Kosheh, but he was in Sohag meeting with two great security leaders to whom he was complaining about the burning of the commercial shops and them being exposed to...
In a meeting with Counselor Maher Abdel-Wahed, he asserted: "I am very keen to inspect every complaint issued by a Coptic or a Muslim about the incidents of Al-Kosheh. It will be studied and what is included in it will be investigated." The criminal investigations have dismissed the probability...
Islamist intellectual Dr. Selim el-Awa describes his meeting with the priests of al-Kosheh, bishop Wissa and bishop Marcos. Dr. Al-Awa wrote that many newspapers accused Bishop Wissa and father Gabra’il of raising tensions But, the clergy coming from Al-Kosheh and Balyana had a different story,...
The prosecution of Sohag under the supervision of Osama Al-Rashidi, the general attorney of Sohag’s prosecutions, continued the investigations in the cases of destruction and looting which Dar Al-Salam City had witnessed on January 2 and 3. The prosecution listened to the testimonies of two police...
Bishop Wissa, Bishop of Al-Balyana and Dar El-Salam, where Al-Kosheh is located, was sending many faxes to international human rights organizations, and to Copts living abroad, demanding that they rise and save the Copts of Egypt from the killings they suffer at the hands of Muslims!!! Wissa spoke...


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