Displaying 131 - 140 of 312.
The article covers a symposium held in Paris about renewing the religious discourse under the title “Consultative meeting about scientific means to renew religious discourse.” Among the papers discussed in the symposium was a paper sent by Dr. Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid.
The author continues refuting the arguments of people who believe that enforcing the Islamic Shari´a is not for the good of Islam nor for the good of people. Their first argument is that the Shari´a could not be enforced in Islamic countries where other religious groups live, because if the Shari´a...
The author comments on the hudood [limits imposed by God, and is usually used to refer to the punishments laid down in the Qur´an for specific crimes such as theft and adultery] of the Shari´a. He tries to answer the question of whether Egypt is close to their implementation or not.
The author comments on the issue of female genital mutilation, arguing that it has nothing to do with religion. He also explains its scientific and psychological aspects, showing that it does not fulfill its claimed objective, which is keeping the chastity of girls.
The author comments on an article by Ayda Al-Gohari titled “The phenomenon of Amr Khalid…the preacher of rich people who look for a meaning [in life].” He believes that the analysis of Ayda is dominated by a secular, Marxist point of view – which led her to concentrate on the effect of the...
Cairo Lions Club has organized a meeting in the honor of Sudanese politician Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi under the title “Egyptian-Sudanese relations between history and future.” Dr. Milad Hanna who was asked to introduce Al-Mahdi to the participants surprised them by asking Al-Mahdi about how to correct the...
The author gives examples from many countries showing that violence is still practiced against women despite the many rights they have been granted.
It is yet to be proved that Al-Qa´ida is behind the recent attacks in Riyadh. However, US senior officials responsible for fighting terrorism believe that these attacks are undoubtedly indicating that Al-Qa´ida is back.
The author gives a historical background on Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab and how Wahabism was established in the Arabian Peninsula. He believes Wahabism is an Islamic reformation movement.
One of the main objectives of Islamists is to apply the laws of the Islamic Shari´a. However, they never associate this objective with developing Muslims. The Shari´a and jihad are means not aims in themselves and any group of laws cannot alone change the society. Muslims are in a problem...


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