Displaying 211 - 220 of 312.
For more than twenty -five years, Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim has been participating in making events all over the Arab World. He propagated the culture of human rights when he first founded The Arab Organization for Human Rights. He then embraced the cause of minorities in his conference in 1994 on...
The article is an interview with Dr. Reverend Ekram Lama’i, pastor of an Evangelical Church in Shubra, and a professor at the Evangelical Theological Seminary. Rev. Dr. Lama’i, who is also the author of many important books about religion, the religious discourse and Zionist penetration of...
Muhammad Said Al-Ashmawi criticizes statements by the seventh supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef, in TV and newspapers interviews. ‘Akef stated the Muslim Brotherhood is a political group. The author concludes affirming that the declarations of Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef are...
This file is about the Muslim Brotherhood. It contains a number of articles on the Brotherhood that discuss the future awaiting them, the problems of transforming into a party, changes within the group and other issues.
A memorandum submitted to the US Department of State by 30 congressmen stated that the Arab states should be given a six-month grace period during which the Arab states would formulate new constitutions under the banner of reform. According to the Congressional memorandum, Islam should not be...
I conducted this interview with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim almost two months ago, but it was not complete. The atmosphere was very tense because he considered the questions a sort of an insult to him. Dr. Ibrahim calls for freedom and democracy all the time, so how can he get angry at a question,...
Dr. Ibrahim has provided positive comments for both sides of this controversial issue. In an article entitled "Reclaiming Democracy ... the Participation of Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian Political Life," published in El Hayat newspaper on Oct. 7, 2004; Dr. Ibrahim noted that the Muslim Brotherhood...
For Arab Christians, this Christmas my have been a time for introspection, but for Arab Muslims it was time for some serious thinking. The last holiday season more than any other in recent memory witnessed events of inclusions and exclusion, both sad and dramatic, symbolically.
The recent release of the eight Chinese who had been taken hostage in Iraq, brought to my mind a question I had repeatedly been mulling over. For years I have been concerned with racist tendencies displayed by Arabs. Subconsciously, I admit, I curbed my thoughts on this question and opposed anyone...
AWR, 2004, week 37, article 27, has come to my notice and I would be grateful for some space to refute the allegations in Afaq Arabia, dated September 9. The paper writes: The international Catholic organization of Caritas launched a (missionary) campaign in Darfour targeting 125,000 Muslims. Our...


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