Displaying 31 - 35 of 35.
The ghost of terrorism is hunting us again near the Azhar and in Taba. What would push youth to commit such dreadful crimes? It is the sayings of Muslim Brother philosopher Sayyid Qutb who wrote, "the pagan societies include those who claim to be Muslim societies." He also said, "believers should...
Sinai is the wilderness walked through by the Sons of Israel on their way to Mount Sinai. The Sinai wilderness and Mount Sinai are mentioned 35 times in the Old Testament. Sinai was assaulted in 1956 and then in 1967, after which the land was liberated in 1973 and the Israeli people went back to...
‘Sheikh’ Fahmi Huweidi, says in one of our major newspapers, “All the circumstances indicate that the Israelis, not the Egyptian economy, are the target [of Taba attacks].” In that case we have to give up our values and Egyptian human heritage in order to view the killing of Israeli civilians as...
The U.S. Department of State human rights report on Egypt slammed human rights abuses and security officials’ transgressions against journalists and anti-Mubārak protestors.
An interview with the Minister of Interior about the security situation; releasing fundamentalist detainees, fighting terrorism, the minister’s refusal to meet with the Muslims Brothers, the branch of the F. B. I. in Cairo, Egypt’s attitude to Britain’s refusal to extradite terrorists.


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