Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
Sāmih Fawzī discusses Egypt’s emigration problem, the need for greater transparency and Coptic expatriates. He also calls on Christians to be active players in Egyptian society andbelieves that in the modern age socio-economic factors are more of a uniting force than religion.
The following article presents a response to Majdī Khalīl’s article [art. 26 in this issue].
The following article discusses the exaggerated interpretations of some Western Christians about the position of Christians in Egypt.
Muḥammad ‘Imārah claims that expatriate Copts raise suspicions about the Qur’ān to undermine Islam and prove that the Qur’ān is equal to the Bible, when in reality they are aware of the Bible’s perversion.
A Copt attacking the American freedom of religious persecution bill.


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