Displaying 131 - 140 of 2503.
Why did most Copts vote for presidential candidate ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī? Why did they previously seemingly entirely take the side of the army in opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood?  What do they fear that makes them seek closeness to the army to the extent that this provokes anger from...
The recent transcript published by Arab West Report on our interview with Bishop Antonios of the Coptic Catholic Church has attracted the attention of scholars in the West. In particular, Dr. Wolfram Reiss, professor of historical and comparative studies of religions at the University of Vienna,...
In its dispatch no. 5657 MEMRI focuses on the mutual accusations between supporters of the current regime and the Muslim Brotherhood. “Each camp accuses members of the other camp of being Jewish and of implementing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” The MEMRI report is full of examples from both...
 In the article below Center for Arab-West Understanding board member Dr. Nabīl Hilmy mentions many important changes that Egypt needs.   
One of the greatest horrors that can befall a family is the sudden disappearance of their child. No country in the world could doubt such tragedy. Why then does controversy surround Coptic minors? There are two prominent reasons, and both relate to the contested sectarian nature of Egyptian...
The last thing Dr. Nadia Mustafá wanted to talk about on December 9 was the constitution. Enraged at the military coup which deposed President Mursī and mournful over the deaths of so many of his supporters, the constitution is as illegal as the current government which produced it. 
The Salafī-Jihadis of Egypt are a small movement, but Muhammad al-Zawāhirī, by virtue of his infamous brother Ayman, is its face. He made headlines on September 11, 2012, offering to mediate between ‘the West’ and al-Qaeda, believing he has leverage with family at the helm. 
[This interview took place in English and was recorded. Editorial notes have been made between brackets to clarify some statements. The interview was transcribed by Esther Schoorel and edited by Douglas May and Cornelis Hulsman.] [Test]
Few subjects are so sensitive in Egypt as the conversion from one religion to the other. It is often difficult to find out the truth in such stories with all of the possible interests involved, both of the convert and the people around him or her. One can obtain a better glimpse of the various...
The turmoil following the January 25, 2011 Revolution, the rule of former president, Muhammad Morsi, and his subsequent ouster has thrown Egypt’s economy into a recession. I am traveling around and meeting with lots of Egyptians who have been severely affected by the economic problems Egypt is...


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