Displaying 1791 - 1800 of 2503.
Announcing the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate last Wednesday did not cost more than the LE2500 to rent a hall at the Journalists’ Syndicate--including the podium, the seats, the microphone and the writers who covered the event [the author here is writing ironically because the supreme guide...
The Journalists’ Syndicate fell into a trap. Muslim Brotherhood members succeeded in obtaining a hall at the Journalists’ Syndicate for a press conference. The Brotherhood preferred to take over the credibility of the syndicate by applying cunning strategies.
The initiative of the Muslim Brotherhood stressed the freedom of belief and the freedom to practice the religious rituals of all heavenly recognized religions. But the Brotherhood initiative does not extend to the freedom of expression.
Recently, rumors have circulated that Christian girls are being raped and forced to announce that they are Muslims, and that they have been tricked in the supermarket stores of Awlad Ragab, the Al-Tawheed Wal-Nour shops, and the fast food chain Mo’men. Anyone with any sense should simply realize...
Bishop Musa responded to rumors that girls are being raped in stores. These girls first are fooled into signing papers with the prices of the stuff they bought, but among these papers is a paper that declares they are Muslim. Bishop Musa believes this is an intentional rumor that reason does not...
The US Copts Association published a press release on March 25, 2004 with the title “Coptic Pope Denounces Forced Conversion of Coptic Girls.” It is obvious that the the US Copts Association has not made much of an effort, if any, to check the rumors. Instead the have blown this out of proportions.
Usama Bin Laden has successfully managed to raise the bar of terrorism. A terrorist attack now has specific features; there has to be massive killing of a large number of people. There has to be flames and debris. There has to be television cameras from all over the world. It is now common news to...
An official legal memo released by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior revealed that it is impossible to release Abud Al-Zomor, leader of the Egyptian Jihad group, and his nephew Tareq Al-Zomor, who have been jailed since 1982 in the case of Egyptian President Anwar Al-Sadat’s assassination.
The article is an interview with Dr. Muhammad Abu Leila, professor at the English language department of Islamic studies and dean of the English language department at Azhar University. In this interview Dr. Abu Leila presents his opinions regarding the issue of the challenges and threats that face...
Women preachers go onto the metro and say loud do’aa [prayers] and ask women on board to repeat after them. Now, the phenomenon has developed. Now women preachers are giving religious lessons in the metro. • See article 4: Renewal of religious discourse has not been successful for the last 1500...


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