Date of source: Thursday, May 6, 2004
According to the Talmud, if the mother of a child is a Jew, then the child is Jewish. Otherwise, the child is not considered Jewish. However, in 1983, the Higher Institute for Reformist Rabbis held a meeting after which it was decided that if the father of a child is Jewish and the mother is not,...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Al-Usbua has jumped on some Coptic extremists who are much disliked in the US Coptic community and who have no following. Quoting statements from such isolated radicals gives readers the impression that they represent much more than a few individuals. It has all appearance al-Usbua has highlighted...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Washington DC (5/2/04) - In the early morning hours of Sunday, May 2nd, Egyptian police forces in El Minia, Egypt arrested a Coptic priest and four other Copts. After loading [sic!!] the Copts onto a police truck, Egyptian police drove the speeding vehicle into a water canal, killing three of the...
Date of source: Thursday, May 6, 2004
A police officer arrested five Christians in the early hours of Sunday 2 May in the village of Taha Al-‘Amada, El Minia. Father Ibrahim Mikhail and four others were charged with the unlawful construction of a church fence. The arrested men were bound and placed in the back of a rented vehicle....
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2004
“Dying for the sake of God is our highest hope.” These words are part of motto of the Brotherhood. In fact, death is not the hope of any creature and those who die on the battleground did not regard death as hope. When you highest hope is death, you are then denouncing all the ideas of life, its...
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2004
The initiative of the Brotherhood for political reform is based on democracy, circulation of authority and transparency in financial matters and fighting of financial corruption. Does the Brotherhood apply these principles inside the group or the professional syndicates which they have been...
Date of source: Sunday, May 16, 2004
Among the grievances long placed ‘on hold’ in Egypt is the attitude of state administrative and security apparatuses towards citizens who practice their right to convert from their original to another religious faith. If a Christian converts to Islam, officials welcome him or her with open arms and...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 12, 2004
The Internet site of Michael Mounir reported about the incident at Taha Al-’Ameda in a way that makes it seem that there is sectarian strife in Egypt. The US Copts claimed that the government gives security officers free reign increases the brutal attacks against Copts.
Date of source: Thursday, May 13, 2004
There are three main principles that determine the Jewish identity: Worshipping one God; practicing certain rituals that reflect the Jewish beliefs, like announcing his faith in one God; and the loyalty of the Jew to his being a Jew and loyalty to the rest of the Jewish nation.
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2004
A husband whose wife gets divorce based on the personal status code for Orthodox Copts, regulating the affairs of marriage and divorce and other related matters, filed a lawsuit in which he challenged the code unconstitutional. The complainant argues the Holy Bible, which is the first source of...