Displaying 1891 - 1900 of 2503.
Ancient Muslims knew the right of having a different opinion. Remarkably strange, in our time, some are imposing their opinions and views on us as representing true Islamic creed without having a mandate to speak in the name of Islam. Speaking in the name of Islam is always done with a virtual...
Problems with the NGO registration of the Center for Arab-West Understanding. Norwegian pastor Rev. Geir Valle’s response to Ashraq al-Awsat’s article on Norwegian missionaries targeting Muslim asylum seekers in Norway.
AWR is making extra hours to bring the next weeks out.
Under the pretext of commemorating the twelfth anniversary of Farag Foda’s assassination at the hands of members of Islamic groups, members of the Egyptian Association for Enlightenment, headed by Saad Eddin Ibrahim, launched a fierce attack on the July Revolution and attacked religion [Islam] and...
Egyptian media and political leaders paying attention to Coptic Christmas. Watani’s Editor-in-chief Yusuf Sidhom’s discusses the term ’ persecution’ in describing the position of Christians in Egypt.
The Administrative Court overturned a complaint filed by two Orthodox Copts against Pope Shenouda in which they demanded the suspension of the presidential decree that formed the temporary Maglis al-Milli al-Amm [General Community Council] of Orthodox Copts.
AWR is urgently need of a full-time editor.
Growing interest in AWR work. Announcement of a visit to the Egyptian Delta organized by AWR
The author explains that National Council for Human Rights should take into consideration all issues related to human rights not only the issue of torture. The new council has to give adequate attention to all types of human rights such as the right to have pure food, the right to a useful...
Al-Wafd continues discussing the attitudes of Islamic movements towards the issue of democracy and renouncement of violence. The Gama’a Al-Islamiya has always played a tough, significant, role in the Egyptian social and political life since it joined the Jihad group in an alliance, which led to the...


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